
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Learning From Home

As we transition to learning from home, please feel free to keep using our school wide math blog to practice math.  Pages for each grade level have been recently updated.  All grade level pages include songs, stories and games to review concepts we have taught this year.

Many of our students are in multi-age math classes and have permission to check out games on both grade's pages.  Kids can find the pages that work for them by clicking on the grade level at the top of this page.

Additionally, there is a page labeled F this is full of fraction practice.  This is is great for kids in grades 4-6.

The G page is also available.  This page is full of geometry practice for grades 3-6.  It is a great time of  year to review important geometry concepts!

We will continue to keep you informed about other learn from home activities.